The film revolves around social paradoxes in terms of betrayal, greed and the pursuit of power, which leads to a series of exciting events...
When a wealthy man dies and his death is staged as a suicide, a police officer uncovers the truth about the man's murder and resumes his...
The Same Cup
Kazim forms a gang assisted by Riyad to smuggle antiquities. The gang tries to seize a land rich in monuments but Ihsan the owner refuses to sell her...
Abed imposes his control over the cemeteries, and Al-Deeb helps him sell the bodies of the dead to medical students, demolish the yards to rebuild...
Zaman El Aqwia'
(Masoud) and (Keshta) pickpocket, before deciding to repent and start a new life amid the inhabitants of the tin hut, to surprise the residents of...
The Manor Of Tin
Causes the killing of a gypsy man. He seduces him and marries her and begins to turn his life
A man killed by love
The mother fails to convince her son to marry his wealthy cousin, Ihsan. He falls in love with the poor girl, Souad, but he collapses when he...
Alziyarat al akhira
A man works in a jewelry store, and his task is to deliver jewelry to customers at their homes, which exposes him to many funny situations, and...
Law Kunt Makani
The film deals with the issue of blood feud in Upper Egypt, and the death and hatred it leaves behind that is passed down from father to son. Through...
Lail Wi Regal
Khamis is a respected teacher who heads a group of fishermen, including Gharib, who loves Nawal, Khamis's daughter. He is a hard-working young man,...
Angham El-Gharib