A series of tragic events unfolds after Chang Chi-Mao's daughter goes missing as an infant. Chang becomes consumed by revenge against a powerful...
Organ Child
Police officer Chou is about to propose to his girlfriend Chen. He then receives a homicide case report and follows it to the mountain area. Sadly,...
You Have To Kill Me
A film sequel to the popular series, U Motherbaker. It is a Taiwanese family comedy about culture and the challenges of transforming a traditional...
U Motherbaker - The Movie
Fancy 25
A successful architect, Yi Zhong, learned the bad news that he was suffering from bone cancer while receiving the good news of his wife's pregnancy....
My Gift
Taiwanese movie
Be My Valentine
When a mysterious corpse is found in a river, a distressed police officer delves into a string of grisly murders as danger quickly approaches.
The Abandoned
The day LIAO was discharged from prison with his maimed right hand was also the day NAN was forced to retire. NAN will no longer be the head of CIB,...
Two Old Fellas
A group of young Taipei residents is drawn into the city’s underworld through the growing obsession of one, the boyish Ah-feng, for the sexy...
Treasure Island
Ahda sells language tapes by day and attends cram school at night, but his real passion is to achieve the secret art of "vaulting" - defying gravity...
Red Lotus Society
Set in China in the 1930s, the film is about the unsettling relationship between three characters, each involved with a performance of the opera...
Fleeing by Night
Madame Tang colludes and mediates between the government and the private businesses for the benefits of her all-female family. One case does not go...
The Bold, the Corrupt and the Beautiful
Renowned streamer Liu Ching-yi wakes up from darkness, only to find herself trapped in an abandoned house that feels like a prison. In a desperate...
The Black Box
Ji Ling lives with her husband in Taibei, Taiwan. After a crash that killed their young child, Ji Ling is overcome with grief. Not able to forgive...
Finding Shangri La
A yacht party goes horribly wrong when the ship is suddenly shipwrecked, causing it to overturn, and sending everyone into the water. When they...
Snake 2
Ren has finally succeeded his boss as the head of the North Fort Gang. For so long, his ambitions had been held back; now, he can realize them. But...
Gatao 2: Rise of the King
Police officer in the Southern Precinct, WU Ying-xiong, has been revered as a hero in the Harbor City ever since he stopped the terrorists on a...
Black & White: The Dawn of Justice
A Chinese Department of Health junior clerk Su Zhenghuai is with his eldest daughter Su Wei and son Su Yuexuan are on their way to visit relatives in...
Junkrat Train
Ah Cheng needs money. His best friend, Ah Zhi, is willing to bail him out but he wants Xiaoya, Ah Cheng's wife, to go with him on a trip abroad.
A Trip with Your Wife
Yang Shi-Nan is a 14-year-old boy who undergoes a metamorphosis without realising what is going on. It begins on a normal school day when he gets...
Born to Be Human
Bad Moon