Momok III is a horror film that combines several ghost stories in one film that is Dendam Maisarah, Penunggu Pusaka and Roh Jelmaan. This story is a...
Momok III
Momok II is a horror film that combines several ghost stories in one film that is Samiah Wanita Misteri, Polong, Toyol, and Pelesit. This story is a...
Momok II
The movie tells of a young couple Maya and Adam who loathe each other because they are forced into an arranged marriage by their parents. Maya's...
I'm Not Single
Mamat is a native of Kelantan, Malaysia, but he had left Malaysia many years earlier to join his brother Lazim in South Thailand in order to continue...
A widow, Rohani slogs as a paddy farmer and rubber tapper to raise her two children, Jamal and Jamil. Rohani’s husband is betrayed by Kudin who...
Dia Ibuku
Badrowi disturbs a married woman he's in love with on her wedding night and kills her husband. He's then severely beaten by villagers and his body is...
Bloody Wedding
A rich man, Tuan Syed hides all his business records in a safe to avoid paying taxes. Three thieves, Aziz Satar, Ibrahim Pendek and Sudin steal the...
Penyamun Tarbus
Jeff, a university student, was interested in writing an article about a haunted bungalow for his university bulletin. He found himself unavoidably...
Potret Mistik
Kamarudin and Zaleha object to their son's relationship with Julia because of their age difference. Julia is much older than Harry is. When Harry...
Harry Boy
Iskandar Muhammad the son of a farmer who is ambitious to become a pilot. After graduation, he was recruited Air Force as a Lieutenant. While in...
Wira Angkasa
Lintang and Bayu, held a pocong oath, due to the insistence of the villagers who felt their village was polluted. This was done because Lintang, who...
The Devil Oath
The sequel to the successful "Adnan Sempit" by Ismail Bob Hashim in 2010 which told the story of Adnan, an orphaned street biker who is cared for by...
Adnan Sempit 2
Known as Nan Sempit by his friends, Adnan (Shaheizy Sam) is an orphan and a 'mat rempit' who decides to move to the big city in Kuala Lumpur after...
Adnan Semp-It
The third instalment of "Adnan Sempit" sees Adnan married to his childhood love, Nadia, and Bobby married to Wawa. Adnan, is also getting the hang of...
Adnan Sempit 3
Markoni has repented for his life of crime and now lives in a secluded valley with his wife, Ningrum, and a servant. But Karto, his old gang member,...
Red Devil Fight
Aleeya Azmeen willingly went to London with her boyfriend five years ago only to get dumped by him in the end. Things became worse when she was...
Suamiku, Encik Perfect 10!
the story of a young Malaysian man who was raised by group of military army and is haunted by his dark past
Anak Jantan
A filmmaker is trying to get a film called Anita: Dunia Ajaib (Anita: A Strange World) made, all while experiencing goings-on of extraterrestrial...
Anita: A Strange World
It is the second fictional film produced by Rahim Razali (after Abang, 1981), Abang (The Hunter) started the theme of vengeful hatred that completes...