Sam the snowman tells us the story of a young red-nosed reindeer who, after being ousted from the reindeer games because of his glowing nose, teams...
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
In this prelude to the television series 'The Raccoons', Bert, Melissa, and Ralph Raccoon have their home accidentally stolen when it is cut down to...
The Christmas Raccoons
The Raccoons on Ice is the second of four specials leading up to the television series The Raccoons. It initially aired on CBC and in syndication on...
The Raccoons on Ice
A retelling of the classic fairy tale of The Frog Prince featuring Kermit the Frog, Kermit's nephew Robin, Sweetums, and a princess cursed to say...
Tales from Muppetland: The Frog Prince
"Hello Kitty Saves the Day" features 5 Hello Kitty animated cartoons which were originally featured in "Hello Kitty's Furry Tale Theater." 1- Peter...
Hello Kitty Saves the Day
Lights! Camera! Action! Get ready for big-screen fun with Hello Kitty and her friends! Includes: K.T. - The Kitty Terrestrial, The Wizard of Paws,...
Hello Kitty Goes to the Movies
The Trolls and the Christmas Express is an animated classic about six roguish trolls who are determined to sabotage Christmas by infiltrating Santa's...
The Trolls and the Christmas Express
A sad little burro who feels that no one wants him and that he doesn't belong anywhere finds out differently when he is bought by Joseph to transport...
The Little Brown Burro
A film centered around Joe Nameth.
Super Joe
"Hello Kitty- Becomes a Princess" features 5 Hello Kitty animated cartoons which were originally featured in "Hello Kitty's Furry Tale Theater." 1-...
Hello Kitty Becomes A Princess
Rather than adapt a later or create a new Oz story, this production has Dorothy still in posession of the shoes, and she clings to an apple tree...
Return to Oz
Bert Raccoon is having a music video party and everyone is invited. Though Cyril is trying to get some sleep in the process.
The Raccoons: Let's Dance!
"The Raccoons and the Lost Star" is the last totally original Raccoons .... On a far-away planet, Cyril Sneer plots his takeover of earth.
The Raccoons and the Lost Star
With the help of Charles Dickens, two young children attempt to save the essence of Christmas from the evil Mantu.
A Christmas Tree