A man recently released from a mental institute inherits a mansion after his parents die. After a series of disturbing events, he comes to believe it...
Hell and Mr. Fudge is an 2012 American drama film directed by Jeff Wood and written by Brian Phillip Stoddard. Based on a true story, the film stars...
Hell and Mr Fudge
A woman named Kit moves back to her parent's house, where she receives a mysterious invitation that would fulfill her childhood dreams.
Unicorn Store
After being raised in an Oklahoma orphanage, 15 year-old Donald makes his way to California during the depression. He meets Emogene, the daughter of...
The Measure of a Man
Whitney, a spoiled pre-teen from Philadelphia, is forced to move to the country when her parents feel the squeeze of economic hard times. A fish out...
The Greening of Whitney Brown
Aidan Bloom, a struggling actor, father and husband, is 35 years old and still trying to find a purpose for his life. He and his wife are barely...
Wish I Was Here