The story of an Aboriginal family's attempts to forge a new life for themselves within the segregated society. At the urging of headstrong teenager...
The Fringe Dwellers
A Holocaust survivor was ready to give up his life until he met a young and curious boy.
The adventures of a wildlife photographer and his three children, who work together making natural history films.
Jackson's Crew
After settling in the tiny Australian town of Walkabout Creek with his significant other and his young son, Mick "Crocodile" Dundee is thrown for a...
Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles
The story of Fred Paterson, member for Bowen in the Queensland parliament in the 1940s and the only Communist Party member ever elected to any...
The Legend of Fred Paterson
A mad man threatens to lure hundreds of sharks to the beach at Surfers Paradise Australia at the start of the tourist season, his price to hold off...
Shark's Paradise
Tatsuya is on a honeymoon in Australia. A couple of unfortunate encounters land him in jail, where he’s imprisoned without a chance of ever...
Singapore Sling
A glossy thriller about a show-business tycoon with a shady background, and a young documentary filmmaker and his girlfriend who are making a film...
Final Cut
What will it take to become a hero?
An Australian woman searches for her soldier brother in Cambodia during the civil breakdown from which Pol Pot would emerge.
Love in Ambush