Keď jubilant plače
Veľké upratovanie
A comedy about a lost inheritance, love and a red umbrella, which, according to a local legend, belonged to St. Peter himself.
St. Peter's Umbrella
Visiting Slovakian Racha to get antiquated with Slovakian wine-making techniques, Rachvelian from Georgia, Zauri, falls in love with Slovak Darina....
Racha, My Love
Súkromná vojna
Omyl doktora Moresiniho
Pavilón číslo 6
Posledná hodina
Pánska spoločnosť
Slnečný kúpeľ
Šesť postáv hľadá autora
A funny outlaw tale inspired by traditional folk humour. Pacho is no ordinary outlaw. He detests injustice and feudal oppression and he copes with...
Pacho, the Brigand of Hybe
Adam Chvojka vicerichtár
Chronicle of frontier division Czech police (SNB) in the years 1946 - 1949.
Drsná Planina
This film is one of the most popular pictures of Slovak cinema and relates the story about the legendary folk hero and brigand Juro...
Mária Tudorová
Víťazný pád
Timon Aténsky
Television adaptation of the novel by the Italian writer Italo Svevo. His hero is Zeno Cosini, the son of a merchant in Trieste. He is a type of...
Zenovo vedomie
Pomarančová rozprávka
Štyri kolesá
A classical ballad motif about an aging father and his three daughters is quite unusually here set against the backdrop of Czechoslovakia of the...
Three Daughters
The Galoshes of Happiness
Dni Turbinovcov
Ján Literát
Stalo sa v našom mestečku
Človek nikdy nevie
Pred súdom
Most na tú stranu
Television adaptation of Roman Kaliský's play. Reconstruction of a trial with a journalist from the 1950s.
Koniec a začiatok
A story of two old friends, who after ten years - one as the deputy director and the other as the chairman of the party organization - meet on a...
Délka polibku devadesát
Bulat Okudzhava's novella tells the evocative story of the old general Opochnin, a man who never betrayed morality and humanity. But at the end of...
Výstrel na Bonaparta
Film adaptation of Rudolf Jašík's novel of the same name. The plot of the film is situated in the forties of our century, in the first...
Saint Elizabeth Square
Odhalenie Alžbety Báthoryčky
O nosatom kuchárovi a nohatom drotárovi
Víno a voda
Jeden deň pre starú paniu
Vrah zo záhrobia
Výnosné miesto
A comedy about Simon, an honest, clever confectioner. In practical life, the humble bachelor becomes an easy prey to his boss, his mother, and hordes...
Sweet Troubles
Čarokrásna pani majstrová
Pomsta starej dámy alebo Na každého raz dôjde
Drama about the rebellion of the Trencín Infantry Regiment against its superior officers in the Serbian city of Kragujevac, at the end of the...
Traja svedkovia
Kráľ sa zabáva
Básnikova cesta do neba
Bírbal a sprisahanci
Divá kačka
Tichá kaviareň
Šuster, drž sa kopyta!
Veľké pokušenie
Na jednom dvore
Chlapské leto
Simultánka s Aľochinom
Plukovník Chabert
Klamstvo dočasu – pravda naveky
Štyria grobiani
Zlatá runa
Zypa Cupak
Vietor v starých stromoch
„A“ ako Alžbeta
Článok na prvú stranku
Priateľka mojej dcéry
Karol Ketzer
Kazko Vlasko
Muž, ktorý skorumpoval Hadleyburg
Dôsledne ukrývané dokumenty
Prvé lásky
Jubilejné spomienky
An alcoholic tries to rob an intellectual and suddenly recognises him as his childhood friend. They recall their childhood mischief and their...
Place of the World Istanbul
This film, chronicling the last days of Czech resistance fighter Maruska Kuderikova (played by Magda Vasaryova), is based on her diaries. Though she...
And Give My Love to the Swallows
Moment kritického zaťaženia
Záhradníkov pes
Recepty na šťastie
Čarovná čaša
Muž, ktorý miloval symfóniu čísel
Veselé panie z Windsoru
O tom, ako šibal Peterko mäsiara Kocha prekabátil
Veľké šťastie
Second Love
Spoločník pána veľkomožného
Nie je všedný deň
An historical depiction of the events preceding the political murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, would-be emperor of the Austro-Hungarian throne, in...
The Day That Shook the World
Plesové šaty
Škola žien
Čudák Zerbino
Život na úteku
O smelom krajčírikovi
Plač pre syna
Do posledného dychu
Holič Britva a duch Vydriduch
Sudca vo vlastnej pasci
Princezná a mesiac
Pod cudzím nebom
A funny movie about life and adventures of the five inseparable friends from little town in south Czech republic.
Inseparable Five
One of the lead characters is Maria, an inn keeper; always a bride but never a wife. She meets the newcomer Pierre, who disturbs the peace of the...
Celebration in the Botanical Garden
A man may or may not have betrayed a resistance fighter during World War II. He has supposedly been shot down by the Nazis and wanders into town....
The Man Who Lies
Sázka na třináctku
Slovakian villagers towards the end of WW II are despairing as German troops fall back to their village.
Big Night and Big Day
A comedy about five students who are un-justly suspected of trying to lose their virginity before their graduation. The five girls first try to...
A Pact with the Devil
Zlý žart
Young couple separated by World War 2, dream of being reunited years later.
Interrupted Song
Výlet do mladosti
In a remote Slovak village in the closing days of World War II, a schoolteacher and his young wife find a wounded Russian parachutist in their front...
The Coward
Exemplárny prípad
Posledný návrat
Bílá oblaka
Opojenie z premeny
Na pochode sa vždy nespieva...
Dravý prúd
Čokoládový hrdina
Génius jednej noci
Patálie s kamerou
Vojvodkyňa z Amalfi