This comedic musical tells the story of Gabi, a young hairdresser from the Baltic coast who desperately wants to be a jockey. One day, she packs her...
Hochzeitsnacht im Regen
In 1896 the Berlin noble doctor Dr. Wilhelm Holtfreter takes over his well-to-do wife Mathilde and takes over the country doctor's office in the...
Späte Ankunft
Die ehrbaren Fünf
Frank and Kamminke study informatics in Leipzig and have developed a program that enables a computer to automatically find and correct errors in its...
Two Strange Characters
In the village of Medela, the village elder Fritz Schmal is buried with great sympathy. Beforehand, Till goes with his father to his property to...
A Wigwam For The Storks
Mein lieber Mann und ich
Heute ist Freitag
Eine verfahrene Kiste
Die Gäste der Mathilde Lautenschläger
Kleeblatt grüßt Kaktus
In Scotland in 1751, young David Balfour is shanghaied aboard a ship where he meets Jacobite rebel Alan Breck Stewart with whom he escapes to the...
Shots Under the Gallows
Paul and Paula have had bad experiences with love: Paul is financially well off but has lost all affection for his wife, and Paula leads a...
The Legend of Paul and Paula
This episodic comedy explores love in all its varieties.
Five-year-old Peter and his older brother Hans drop the Christmas present for their parents in the middle of the road and it gets flattened by a car....
Der Weihnachtsmann heißt Willi
Ab heute erwachsen
Film by Ulrich Thein.
Mensch, mein Papa...!
After the Nazis take over political power in Germany, the father of Rosi and Hansi, a member of the communist party, must hide from the police. One...
The Pocket Watch
Ohne Paß in fremden Betten
Das Gesellenstück
Verlobung in Hullerbusch
Eine Pyramide für mich
Sister Agnes helps in all situations and does not only make friends. She has just fallen out with the new mayor. The consequences leave an entire...
Schwester Agnes