Alejandro is an aspiring toy designer from El Salvador, struggling to bring his unusual ideas to life in New York City. As time on his work visa runs...
An "elder emo" band struggles to get back together until they meet some intergalactic super fans with an apocalyptic ultimatum.
Take Me to Your Merch
When his girlfriend, Ellie, gets involved with a Svengali-like health guru named Bo, Owen goes to confront her and discovers that there may be more...
Cheat Meal
A nightmare first date takes a turn for the worse in this short film from Softcore untd.
When young loner Anna is hired as the surrogate for Matt, a single man in his 40s, the two strangers come to realize this unexpected relationship...
Together Together
Filmmaker Kailee McGee’s world turns sideways with a late-stage breast cancer diagnosis. She’s in the middle of treatment but just...