A progressive rock band composed of privileged teenagers get arrested for drug possession, and are brought into the “Blue Room” where...
Blue Room
A dramedy that takes place entirely within the walls of a grocery store. The story revolves around six individuals, a diverse group of employees and...
Pushcart Tales
upcoming Philippine digital movie based from Wattpadd novel.
The Four Bad Boys and Me
A story of a family's breakdown in the midst of a demonic attack. Dennis, a reporter, accidentally invites the ilawod which is a water spirit into...
Martin is a rich, sheltered youth who gets transformed into an aswang by his yaya, Nay Luisa. She teaches him how to hunt the poor and the weak for...
Hazel, an employee at an internet cafe who’s a fan of Project Xandata (a real first-person shooter made in the Philippines) gets the attention...
Friendly Fire