Set in Rumania, the film focuses on a female secret agent who intends to use an airplane to fly behind enemy lines. While she awaits her flight to...
Under the Leather Helmet
Surprised by the fog, the ship Fraternité suffered significant damage. Therefore, an investigation must be carried out in order to determine...
Tossing Ship
To restore health to their little boy, the Henry couple decided to live in Brittany. The child has a cult of the sea. One day, he follows a band of...
La roche aux mouettes
A woman of the world has fallen in love with a metalworker, and one evening gives herself to him. Some time later, the worker becomes blind. One last...
La voix du métal
Thanks to an understanding and sympathetic regimental comrade, a shy young man, very passionate about astronomy, gradually becomes more confident and...
Vive la compagnie
Adémaï is forcibly engaged to the farmer's daughter. He tries in vain to get rid of it and, weary of the struggle, flees in a plane with...
Womanizer Don Mateo helps a girl in a train when attacked by a other woman. This girl, Conchita - a cigarette maker, soon visits the rich Don Mateo...
The Woman and the Puppet
A prominent chanteuse on a world tour meets a young fellow European in Singapore, a soldier of fortune who becomes obsessed with listening to her...
In the French consulate in China, Claude Varville declares his love to the consul's wife.