Chris and Raffi two 16 year olds rebelling boredom, decide to break into an elderly woman's house. Instead of stealing something of worth, they...
Immortalised as one of the most scintillating and uplifting Christmas songs, 'Carol of the Bells' adapted from a popular and loved Ukrainian folk...
Carol of the Bells
A story of a film-making crew traveling in Italy.
Into the Blue
A single mother faces a culture of sexual harassment at her new workplace.
A Woman's Name
Follows six very different men and their struggles with women, family and work. Yet, they are somehow connected to each other.
Men in the City
1936. Giovanni Comini, the youngest Federal in Fascist Italy, is summoned to Rome for a delicate mission: to surveil aging national poet Gabriele...
The Bad Poet
A man and a woman meet at a party and decide to retire to a nearby forest. After the first difficulties of the man to get an erection, the woman...
Queen Kong