A heartbroken young woman begins a sexual relationship with a struggling artista, not knowing that her new beau is already married. As the truth...
Seventeen-year-old Athena Dizon unwittingly plays a trick on resident heartthrob and bad boy Kenji de los Reyes. All of a sudden, she finds herself...
She's Dating the Gangster
A high school princess is cursed by the geek whose affections she toyed with.
Once A Princess
A woman falls in love with a man, but is wronged by him and his brother. She then tries to exact revenge on him, his brother and his new lover.
Trophy Wife
A young woman from a far off province is sent to study in a prestigious Manila university. But she gets caught up in the wrong crowd and ends up...
Juana C. The Movie
A young woman works as a secretary for a high class escort service, and is drawn into the intrigues of a client and the man who has fallen in love...
The Escort
Harold a shy college student from the province who develops a close bond and a secret love for his friend AM, a rich city girl who is passionate...
Maybe Today