A TV movie directed by Bob Mahoney. Based on the book by Dick Lee & Colin Pratt it tells the true story of a long running Police investigation which...
Operation Julie
Coral Atkins, a British soap star of the 1970s, becomes deeply affected by the plight of children from troubled homes. Against considerable odds,...
Seeing Red
In the summer of 1816, Percy Shelley, his mistress Mary, and her stepsister Claire visit Lord Byron at Lake Geneva. Byron challenges each to write a...
Rowing with the Wind
Rural England, winter 2013, Ruth and Juliet are waiting for the British Parliament to pass a legislation that would allow same-sex marriage, so they...
Two couples go on a boating holiday together, and run into some strange people and events.
Way Upstream
From their 1991 stageplay An Evening with Gary Lineker was adapted for television in 1994 by Arthur Smith and Chris England. The action takes place...
An Evening With Gary Lineker
An epic portrayal of the events surrounding the infamous 1819 Peterloo Massacre, where a peaceful pro-democracy rally at St Peter’s Field in...
One man must learn the meaning of courage across four lifetimes centuries apart.
Being Human
The wife of a British army officer discovers his affair with a Polish countess in Germany circa 1918.
The Captain's Doll