Two woman and a man set up a detective agency. What passes for a story follows two of their cases. The first involves a glamorous woman who has found...
One Night Stand
Sammo Hung plays three different characters: Fatty, Fatty's father and Fatty's grandfather, Hung Kau. Fatty is a hotel worker, yearning for sudden...
The Gambling Ghost
Brothers Fay and Fong arrive in Shanghai dreaming of a future. They end up in the Horng Men gang, and Fong is sentenced to prison while his brother...
The Vengeance
Master Lam and his two disciples must battle a horde of Chinese vampires in order to get the teeth dust needed to cure an ailing general. Meanwhile,...
Mr Vampire 1992
A rich widow is blackmailed for $10 million when her husband and his lover is found dead. The police are baffled as this complicated raping case...
The Complicated Raping Case
Lam Ching Ying is a Taoist wizard who goes to Thailand to help defeat a pair of black magic criminals (Billy Chow and Tsui Man Wah) using huge Taoist...
Wizard's Curse
Jade seems happily married but he starts having nightmares about hopping corpses, followed by psychotic episodes, which cause him to kill his wife...
Black Magic
The carefree days of a happy lesbian Hong Kong couple are over when they are attacked by three drug dealers while enjoying a swim; the girls are...
The Lady Punisher
The King of the Snake Monsters is attempting to revert back to human form but is opposed by the womanizing owner of a popular restaurant that...
Snake Monster
Once a wealthy gentleman, Wai was flocked by many single and available women. Now penniless, his "romantic" touch has suddenly disappeared. Follow...
Wai's Romance
A tour of the streets of Hong Kong reveals many devotees of a form of Asian mysticism.
Lucky Way
In medieval China, three sexy serpentesses need the essence of virgin males to defeat the evil Yinsan Monster, so they go on a quest which leads them...
Dances with the Snakes
Secret Admirer is a film produced in Hong Kong, China in 1993. It was directed by Yang Quan , written by Liang Zhiming , Xu Manhua , Wu Yurong, Mai...
Secret Admirer
The misadventures of a family of sex maniacs.
Picking Up Girls
Lin and Li are two ad-men short of inspiration for a commercial about high heels. Li’s girlfriend Nancy tries to inspire him by striptease, but...
Long Hot Summer
Some female ghosts seduce and kill trespassers on their mountain.
Snake Beauty
When two prostitutes Wah and Fong find their dreams shattered, they turn to be starred in the sex movies. A second class actress Tracy intentionally...
Temptation summary II
An innocent girl falls for the wrong man and is pushed into prostitution and fraud.
Sweet Peach
"Journalist Story" is a love ethics film directed by Zhang Renjie and starring Lin Weicao and Xu Manhua. It was released in 1993. The film tells the...
Journalist Story
A gigolo makes the mistake of getting involved with the local triad leader's girlfriend. She makes the mistake of falling in love.
Don't Call Me Gigolo
Pong not only has lots of past and present girlfriends, but lots of triad type buddies that are up to no good.
Sex Revenge
Once upon a time there are two snakes CHOW Wan and TSUI Man-Wah, both are sisters. They tried to get the accumulation to become human beings by...
Four Beautiful Amorous Ghost