The film follows the stories of Chaandi, a transgender, and Kaali, a widow, who decide to defy social rules to become lovers. Will they find peace...
Marudhamalai, a cop, gets involved in a scuffle with the local gangster and helps the villagers get rid of his atrocities.
The story revolves around Nitin's character who plays an youngster who outwits his enemies with his intelligence and timing.
Siva, an investigator, is in a live-in relationship with the rich and bratty Madhu. When Madhu starts a restaurant with her friend's brother, it...
Ah Aah: Anbe Aaruyire
Chandu (Nagarjuna) is a very selfish, self made and cut throat businessman in New York who runs a successful Event Organizing Agency and is aided by...
Greeku Veerudu
Bangaram is a local reporter who dreams of getting into an international news channel. To fulfill his own dream he meets Peddi Reddy, a factionist.
Jambhavan movie is about Velan (Prashanth) who is a responsible son of a village landlord (Vijayakumar). Adored by the villagers for his good deeds,...
Vaana (translation: Rain) is a 2008 Telugu film starring Vinay Rai and Meera Chopra in the lead roles, while Suman plays a supporting role. M.S. Raju...
Pachai Theevu, ruled by a mighty king (Narasimha Raju). His son and prince Jagathalapradhapan (Raja) is a valourous youth who sets out on a mission...
An angry young man gives refuge to a rich girl, whose arrogant mother is forcing her to marry her rowdy uncle.
Police officer Arjun has strong moral values and lets criminals off with a warning. But he is in a fix when he learns that his father is paying petty...
A group of ghosts reside in an old house and live in harmony despite cultural differences. However, when they learn that a builder plans to demolish...
Gang of Ghosts
Shivangi lives in London with her husband Veer Singh. One day, he receives a gift from Rajasthan. From then, strange things happen with Veer and his...
1920 London
A once-successful veteran is envious of the success that his one-time assistant as a music director and plots to bring him down by ruining both his...
Leelatharan, Lee to his friends, hangs out with a bunch of merry youths who do practically any work and play football in other times. It is a...
A man comes to the city, seeking revenge from another man for killing his grandmother. He begins to woo the man's daughter and when the time is...
Set in 1945, in Pre-Independent India, the elite, opulent and solemn world of the Chaudhry family, and the wild, mysterious and musical underbelly of...
A filmmaker stands trial when a costume assistant on his movie accuses him of rape
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