Our story begins with two losers, Mitsuru and Maki, driving down the road with a drugged and kidnapped little girl in the back of their car. They owe...
An ordinary salaryman named Tokichi Inaba who inadvertently becomes involved in the death of a legendary hitman. Facing bankruptcy and saddled with a...
Kyo Kara Hitman
Through a coincidence Tozaki runs into Kurata, his first crush from high school. They begin a relationship, but Kurata's jealousy starts causing...
Pure Heart
Masami is a guitarist who dreams of his band “Rhythm Head” winning the Grand Prix at the Japan Music Carnival. History, and the warlords...
Samurai Rock
Twelve year old tennis prodigy, Ryoma Echizen attends the distinguished school of Seishun Academy Middle School with his eyes set on being on the...
The Prince of Tennis
A Japanese film about a bunch of otaku (or the cool cinema versions) in Akihabara who form a company and find themselves pitted against an evil...