Eiji, a teenager eager to follow in his late father's scientific footsteps perfects one of his old experiments to diminish the barrier between pain...
Bôkô honban
The true story of a pair of college students who attempted a double suicide to end their doomed romance becomes fare for legendary pinku-eiga...
Save the Last Dance For Me
An embittered young man who draws no physical pleasure from sex starts a club for his friends, luring young women into violent rape and torture by...
Shimai renzoku reipu: Eguru!
This film explores the lives of several disenfranchised urban residents, including a woman whose sole companionship comes from her erotic attachment...
Sex Virgin Unit: Party of Beasts
A taxi driving, punk rock listening, serial rapist with a bad attitude picks up female fares, sedates them with gas and takes them to his grungy lair...
Hitozuma korekutā