The story of a family in the instability and violence that shook Algeria during the riots of October 1988 in the midst of the rise of fundamentalism...
Autumn, October In Algiers
Maamar (Sid Ali Kouiret), a young fisherman working in a small port in western Algeria, is forced to sell his goods at a discount every day to Si...
Echebka (الشبكة)
Chants d’Automne (Song of Autumn), is a story of daily life on a colonial farm, at the start of the war of liberation in Algeria, describing...
Song of Autumn
In prison in colonial Algeria, shortly after the end of the Second World War, three indigenous cellmates make out. Once free, they attack the...
The Outlaws
A meticulous chronicle of the evolution of the Algerian national movement from 1939 until the outbreak of the revolution on November 1, 1954, the...
Chronicle of the Years of Fire
The film traces the story of a patrol of the Algerian National Liberation Army (ALN), whose mission is to transport a prisoner French soldier to the...
Patrol in the East