A teenage girl suffering from anxiety due to a tragic event from her past finds herself hunted through the woods by a sociopath on a murderous...
You Can't Run Forever
Following a diamond heist, freelance spy Denny McDonald confronts his man-child temptations while staying confined in his employers' safe-house.
Junk Food
The Black Ghiandola is a story about a young man risking his life to save a young girl he has grown to love, after his family has been killed in the...
The Black Ghiandola
A film student makes a documentary about a homeless man who believes that he's the Grim Reaper, while navigating an unlikely love interest, and her...
109 Billion Followers
Jeremy Chue is a picture-perfect teenager. He is talented, has the perfect grades, a well-off family, and attends a prestigious Washington, D.C....
Honor Student