A young man's struggle with his sexuality overtakes his life, driving him deep into his subconscious where guilt and fears of physicality chase him...
The Secret of Wendel Samson
“Happy with his luscious daughter Aurora in a rustic setting, Professor Borealis has devised an improved brain and is ready to transplant it....
A silent screen-type comedy starring Edwin Denby as Hemlock Stinge, the unlovable billionaire.
" ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE BLESSED culminates my involvement with artist Red Grooms and Mimi Gross. It is a diary of our work as we head for the Pacific...
Encyclopedia of the Blessed
a swift tour of subways and streets while it concentrates on a threadbare romantic comedy about a lonely boy and a girl, played by Red and Mimi Grooms
Miracle on the BMT
A rapid montage collage featuring Jack Smith and a Warholian kiss.