This TV special takes place one year after the events depicted in the 1996 series Hakusen Nagashi, following the same group of friends.
Hakusen Nagashi 19 no Haru
TV special which follows Hakusen Nagashi - Juu sai no Kaze (1999) and precedes Hakusen Nagashi - Ni Juu Go Sai (2003)
Hakusen Nagashi - Tabidachi no Shi
TV special which follows Hakusen Nagashi 19 no Haru (1997) and precedes Hakusen Nagashi - Tabidachi no Shi (2001)
Hakusen Nagashi - Juu sai no Kaze
TV special which follows Hakusen Nagashi - Tabidachi no Shi (2001) and precedes Hakusen Nagashi - Yume Miru Goro wo Sugitemo (2005)
Hakusen Nagashi - Ni Juu Go Sai
This is the concluding story of Hakusen Nagashi, a TV drama series which started in January 1996, focusing on the growth, loves and dreams of five...
Hakusen Nagashi - Yume Miru Goro wo Sugitemo