When Emilia and her daughter Sophie are left in an unexpected, dire financial situation, they discover an intriguing option to pay for Sophie’s...
Nightmare Pageant Moms
Simón, a Venezuelan freedom fighter exiled in Miami, copes not only with trauma, but also deep guilt over a choice he must make: stay in Miami...
Blood Guardian weaves a stirring tale of a twelve-year old boy who witnesses his father's murder - during a violent quarrel - at the hands of his...
Blood Guardian
When beautiful Catherine interviews for a new job as a financial trader at a top investment firm, the CEO of the company, handsome Paul, hires her...
The Kept Mistress Killer
When Kate is given the job of planning her mom's Garden Gala, the biggest fashion event of the year, she has to compromise with the unhelpful head of...
The Love Gala
Luke Mackenzie remains steadfast in his faith, although his family is tested with trials that would tear most families apart. His eldest son, Jacob,...
Grace of the Father
An African Missionary shares with a Christian man in the United States how he feels the church in America is in great danger. The Christian is very...
Power of the Air
Samantha Martin is injured during a mission and is forced to retire from the CIA. She discovers a mole within the CIA is working with terrorists to...
Ready, Willing & Able
On the eve of her sister’s wedding, Real Estate agent Liz Bennet finds herself in competition with handsome developer Dare Williams when he...
Heart of the Manor
A thriller film that revolves around inseparable friends Evelyn and Jenna, who love to be with each other. But Evelyn’s mother, Lucy, is...
Best Friends Forever
As Alex struggles to keep her dark past hidden from her husband and daughter, a reporter is found murdered. Now the primary suspect, Alex must elude...
Don't Let Him Find You
Based on actual events that took place only a few years ago, it weaves the enigmatic tale of Jonas Littleton...a good, but faulty man whose life had...