Directed by Edu Felistoque and Erik de Castro, the film "Amado" was inspired by a real events. Blind to color, creed or sex, the police officer...
Carlão, aka Toro, a detective who's tormented by his past as a criminal. After he left working on the police, Carlão became a taxi...
Apnea presents a week in the life of Chris and her friends. Chris does not want to sleep. Afraid of her sleep apnea and her own unconsciousness,...
While in a very dangerous psych trip, a former police officer Hector lives his past in the present while he tries to get free from his anguish and...
A story about the lies, treachery and vengeance of a middle-class family living on the outskirts of São Paulo. Four characters try desperately...
Up Against Them All
José Pedro de Freitas, better known as Zé Arigó, was a simple man who lived with his wife Arlete in Congonhas, Minas Gerais....
The Surgeon of the Rusty Knife
A history of vendetta and redemption occurs in the vicinity of a road, when the trajectory of a young policeman from the Capital intersects with a...
Cano Serrado
Brazil in the early 70s. Miguel, Eloi, Osvaldo and Paolo take part in armed attacks against the military dictatorship. They pay a heavy price with...
Friendly Fire