Qing Dai, a royal umbrella fairy, fails her mission to guard a sword fairy who escapes the royal pavilion seeking vengeance. This leads her on a...
The Umbrella Fairy
Beyond the human realm, there is a magical race of beings who control the tides and the changing of the seasons. One of these beings, a young girl...
Big Fish & Begonia
The story of some senior high school students in a Chinese village, their dreams, friendships and romances.
Crystal Sky of Yesterday
When the irritable monkey king visits a temple together with his master Tang Monk, he feels offended because of a trifle and thereupon accidentally...
The Monkey King: Reborn
Freshman Yuan Juntang applied to Minsong University in order to get closer to Zhu Zhu, whom he has had a crush on. At the university, he meets Li...
The Girl Downstairs Extra: Promised Future
The Monkey King: Heaven's Great Mission